Chord Gitar Lagu Neck Deep - Wish You Were Here
Neck Deep

By Robby Prihandaya 13 Mei 2024, 09:53:43 WIB Chord
Chord Gitar Lagu Neck Deep - Wish You Were Here

Keterangan Gambar : Chord Gitar Wish You Were Here - Neck Deep

Lagu "Wish You Were Here" oleh Neck Deep adalah sebuah lagu yang penuh emosi dan refleksi tentang kerinduan akan seseorang yang telah tiada. Dengan lirik yang puitis dan musik yang menyentuh, lagu ini menghadirkan tema tentang kehilangan, kenangan, dan perasaan nostalgia yang mendalam.

Chord Gitar Wish You Were Here - Neck Deep

Capo di fret 3

(Intro) G D C

Baca Lainnya :

Take it slow Tell me all

how you've grown

just for me, Could we all reminisce

Better yet, here's a pen

Make a list

Fill it full with all the things I've missed

'Cause I can barely drive past the school

Without stopping to think of you

And how we used to act a fool

But worst of all I wish I called

       Em                           Bm
At least a thousand times or more

Just to hear what I've been missing


G                                        D
If a picture is all that I have

I can picture the times that we won't get back

If I picture it now it don't seem so bad

D           G

Either way, I still wish you were here

Don't say everything's meant to be

'Cause you know it's not what I believe

Can't help but think that it should've been me

                D                                G   D      C
Either way, I still wish you were here

Thinking back on the days

Where we all used to say

I know anywhere's better than here

In the back of the class

Where we grew up too fast

Living life like there's nothing to fear

But the ice on the road

Driving home all alone

Singing along to a song from three summers ago

                              D                               Em
The one that made you remember it..

Bm             C
Now I'll always remember it

                 D                                 G
As the song that your life ended with


If a picture is all that I have

I can picture the times that we won't get back

If I picture it now it don't seem so bad

               D                                            G
Either way, I still wish you were here

Don't say everything's meant to be

'Cause you know it's not what I believe

Can't help but think that it should've been me

              D                                          Em
Either way, I still wish you were here

                   C                                        G
And they say you're in a better place

But a better place is right here with me

                     C                                       D
Yeah they say you're in a better place

Too bad it's not what I believe


'Cause a picture is all that I have

To remind me that you're never coming back

If i picture it now it just makes me sad

                     D                                           G
And right now I just wish you were here

Don't say everything's meant to be

'Cause you know it's not what I believe

Can't help but think that it should've been me

               D                                         G
In the end I just wish you were here

Yeah they say you're in a better place

Either way I still wish you were here

They say you're in a better place

D                                                         G
In the end I just wish you were here

Menggali Makna di Balik Lirik "Wish You Were Here" oleh Neck Deep

chord wish you were here neck deep Pelafalan kata-kata "I still wish you were here" menunjukkan betapa besar keinginan untuk bisa kembali menghabiskan waktu bersama orang yang dicintai. Lagu ini juga menyampaikan bahwa meskipun orang tersebut mungkin telah pergi ke "tempat yang lebih baik" seperti yang dikatakan orang lain, namun bagi penyanyi, tempat yang paling baik adalah bersama mereka.

Lirik "If a picture is all that I have" menyiratkan bahwa satu-satunya yang tersisa hanyalah kenangan dalam bentuk gambar, dan meskipun hanya itu yang dimiliki, namun kenangan tersebut tetap berharga meskipun tidak dapat membawa mereka kembali.

Di bagian lirik "Don't say everything's meant to be", lagu ini menyampaikan bahwa tidak semua hal terjadi karena takdir atau nasib, dan sang penyanyi menolak untuk percaya bahwa kepergian orang yang dicintai adalah bagian dari takdir yang seharusnya terjadi.

Dengan lirik-lirik yang penuh emosi ini, Neck Deep mengajak pendengar untuk merenungkan arti kehilangan dan bagaimana kita meresapi kenangan dengan orang-orang yang pernah kita cintai. Lagu ini juga memberikan ruang untuk menggali rasa penyesalan dan harapan bahwa keadaan dapat berbeda.

Dalam keseluruhan, "Wish You Were Here" adalah lagu yang menggugah perasaan nostalgia, kerinduan, dan kesedihan. Lagu ini mengingatkan kita bahwa meskipun orang yang kita cintai mungkin telah pergi, kenangan dan rasa sayang terhadap mereka akan tetap hidup dalam hati kita.

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